Official Statement: COVID-19 Correction

Aug 5, 2020
Media Contact:
Jon DeCarmine, Executive Director
GRACE Marketplace
352-792-0800 x106
Official Statement: COVID-19 Correction
GRACE responds to story by WCJB TV20 regarding COVID-19 cases at GRACE Marketplace
On August 5, 2020 WCJB TV20 published a story with factually inaccurate information regarding COVID-19 cases at GRACE. TV20 did not speak to anyone at GRACE before running the story. The article contained several errors.
Here are the facts:
GRACE Marketplace is not a "local government-sponsored homeless camp." We operate a 114-bed low-barrier emergency shelter and one-stop assistance center for people without housing, as well as permanent housing programs around the community.
The most recent test results identified ONE GRACE shelter resident with COVID-19. Our staff immediately implemented contact tracing protocols recommended by the CDC to prevent any further spread. Two other individuals were tested at GRACE as part of our efforts to ensure unsheltered people experiencing homelessness had access to COVID testing. They are not GRACE residents, nor have they used any on-campus services since our campus closed to visitors in March.
To date, we have had two confirmed positive cases since March, with more than 650 people tested to date.
We have notified TV20 of their reporting errors and look forward to seeing this issue resolved.