In March, we kicked off The 300 Challenge during The Amazing Give. Through the Amazing Give campaign, we raised $23,371 toward our fundraising goal of $90,000. To continue the challenge, we've created a new home for it on our main fundraising site. The donations we've collected so far have been transferred to our new platform.

What is The 300 Challenge?
The 300 Challenge supports our goal to house 300 people in 2019! We’re looking for 300 people to raise $300 each.

Here's how you can help:
Become a fundraising champion. In just a few clicks, you can launch your own donation page by clicking the "Become a Fundraiser" button on the 300 Challenge page.
Get social. Use social media, text, or traditional email to share your donation page link. Peer-to-peer fundraising is powerful because it allows us to reach new donors and even the smallest donations add up!
Call on your colleagues. Not sure if you can raise $300 on your own? See if your company will accept the challenge! Check with your team about creating a donation page in your company's name. Better yet, challenge another local company to see who can raise more!
